Dental crowns are commonly used to restore teeth that are damaged, chipped, worn out, spaced excessively, or too weak to sustain by themselves. Bridges, on the other hand, are used to replace missing teeth. Both crowns and bridges are ceramic restorations that are made from a dental-grade material. Hence, they can be customized to look exactly like your natural teeth, thereby avoiding being detected easily.

What are crowns used for?

  • Crowns help restore cracked or broken teeth. By placing a crown on the damaged tooth, it can be restored to its ideal shape and functionality.
  • Teeth that are weak after going through a root canal therapy can be restored using a dental crown. The crown helps to hold the tooth intact without crumbling or cracking.
  • Misshapen or chipped teeth can make your smile look displeasing. They can be re-contoured using a crown.
  • Excessive spaces between adjacent teeth can be eliminated by placing crowns on them.

What are the advantages of bridges?

  • Bridges are simple restorations. Patients who prefer a quick solution to a missing tooth can choose bridges as opposed to dental implants.
  • Since a bridge is fabricated from dental-grade ceramic, it is highly durable. With proper care, dental bridges last for several years together without hassle.
  • Bridges restore the functionality of the mouth as they allow the patient to bite and chew food as they used to earlier.
  • They go unnoticed as their appearance can be exactly mimicked with that of your natural teeth.
  • They prevent the remaining teeth from drifting from their positions.

How are crowns and bridges placed?

The procedures for placing crowns and bridges are quite similar. Initially, the dentist will visually examine the teeth and determine your candidacy for the restoration. The dentist removes a thin layer of enamel to make space for the restoration. This is done by grinding or buffing the tooth. He uses a highly-precise digital scanning device to scan the teeth and create a mold. It is shared with a dental laboratory where the restoration is fabricated. It can take a few days for the process to complete.

During the next consultation, the dentist prepares the tooth for placing the restoration. They will be cleaned and roughened using an etching solution so that the restoration adheres well to them. Photosensitive dental adhesives help bond the crown or bridge to the tooth, and a curing light hardens it. The dentist will conduct a bite test and polish the restoration to enhance its appearance.

Please schedule an online appointment or call us at (773) 374-9778 for Chicago and (708) 914-4381 for Homewood to have a consultation with Dr. Moore, and we will be happy to help.