The teeth help us with our everyday activities such as biting and chewing food, speech, and also maintain ideal facial aesthetics. They undergo a lot of stress when we bite and chew, and come in contact with several types of foods and beverages that we consume. Hence, optimum oral hygiene is necessary to ensure the teeth and gums are healthy.
A root canal infection is one of the most severe oral conditions of the mouth. Its effect can be so devastating that if left untreated for a considerably long time, it could lead to jawbone deterioration and tooth loss. Hence, the last option to save a severely decayed tooth is to remove the decayed pulp through root canal therapy. Though the tooth loses its sensation and nourishment, it can be saved from being extracted.
Symptoms of root canal infection
- The gum tissues near the infected tooth will be sore. They could decay, turn red, bleed, and even discharge pus.
- The tooth will pain a lot when you bite and chew food.
- Due to jawbone deterioration underneath, the tooth could loosen from its socket. It may even fall off if its extent is severe.
- The infected tooth could be highly sensitive to hot and cold foods. Also, it may stand out from the other teeth as it would look duller than them.
How is the procedure performed?
The dentist will examine the infected tooth and determine if any other treatment options can help restore it. If no other means can treat it, then you will be prepared for the root canal therapy. Initially, the dentist will gently clean the tooth to remove the microbes and clear out the pus around it. A rubber dam will be placed over it so that it is isolated from the remaining teeth.
A small hole is made on the tooth, and the decayed pulp is removed from within. The dentist uses slender dental files of varying sizes for this purpose. A jet of water is used to wash it away thoroughly. Antibacterial medication will be placed in the cavity, and the hole will be sealed off using suitable filling material.
Placing the restoration
Since the tooth doesn’t have a source of nourishment, it could crack or crumble when you bite or chew food. This can be prevented by placing a ceramic crown on the tooth and permanently bonding it using dental adhesives. The crown completely covers the tooth and prevents any damage to it. Its appearance can be customized to match the adjoining natural teeth, thereby avoiding being detected easily.
Please schedule an online appointment or call us at (773) 374-9778 for Chicago and (708) 914-4381 for Homewood to have a consultation with Dr. Moore, and we will be happy to help.